How headwraps protect your energy?
Charlotte Ismael

While there may not be scientific evidence to support the idea of headwraps protecting one's energy, they can serve as a meaningful and protective practice for many people.


Why Most of Our Crowns Are Sold Out: A Sustainable Approach to Unique Fashion
awareness fashion sustainability

Why Most of Our Crowns Are Sold Out: A Sustainable Approach to Unique Fashion

Charlotte Ismael
Par Charlotte Ismael

In a world where fast fashion dominates, we take a different approach at Malka London. We believe in creating unique, sustainable fashion pieces that not...

How to Incorporate Headwraps into Your Meditation Practice?
hair accessory headwrap healing meditation spirituality well-being

How to Incorporate Headwraps into Your Meditation Practice?

Charlotte Ismael
Par Charlotte Ismael

While headwraps have long been celebrated for their fashion appeal and cultural significance, they also hold a deeper connection to mindfulness and meditation practices. Incorporating...

The Transformative Power of Gratitude: Reshaping Mind, Body, and Emotions
awareness empowerement spirituality well-being

The Transformative Power of Gratitude: Reshaping Mind, Body, and Emotions

Charlotte Ismael
Par Charlotte Ismael

Gratitude is not merely a fleeting feeling of thankfulness; it's a profound state of being that has the potential to reshape our lives in profound...

Harnessing the Power of Positive Affirmations: A Pathway to Mental Well-being
community empowerement healing spirituality well-being

Harnessing the Power of Positive Affirmations: A Pathway to Mental Well-being

Charlotte Ismael
Par Charlotte Ismael

From saying affirmations to ourselves to actively listening to them, each practice plays a pivotal role in fostering a positive mindset and nurturing our overall...

Healing Crystals: What They Can and Can’t Do
crystals healing spirituality

Healing Crystals: What They Can and Can’t Do

Charlotte Ismael
Par Charlotte Ismael

Healing crystals have been captivating humanity for centuries, revered for their purported abilities to bring about physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. In this article, we'll...

5 Guidelines to Wear your Crown with Confidence
community empowerement fashion hair loss

5 Guidelines to Wear your Crown with Confidence

Charlotte Ismael
Par Charlotte Ismael

Many Queens from our community have shared that they struggle with their confidence when it comes to accepting their hair loss. This is why I...

Satin Scrunchie: A Versatile and Beneficial Fashion Accessory for Your Hair
fashion hair accessory history

Satin Scrunchie: A Versatile and Beneficial Fashion Accessory for Your Hair

Charlotte Ismael
Par Charlotte Ismael

Nowadays, scrunchies have conquered our hearts and wardrobes, coming in a variety of materials, sizes, and styles to cater to all tastes and occasions. This...

Crown and Craft: Crafting Crowns of Creativity
community craft diy events workshop

Crown and Craft: Crafting Crowns of Creativity

Charlotte Ismael
Par Charlotte Ismael

Step into the world of creativity and self-expression with Malka London's founder, Sashaa, and the talented workshop facilitator and curator, Jordan. We're excited to introduce you...

Why does stress can caused hair loss?
fashion hair loss headwrap

Why does stress can caused hair loss?

Charlotte Ismael
Par Charlotte Ismael

When we start losing more than 100 hairs per day, it is considered alopecia, a term given to abnormal hair loss. If this hair loss...

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